+(267) 3916042
Plot 746, Robinson Road, Extension-2, Gaborone (Botswana)
Being a succesful and stable democracy, it has an exceptional place in the subsaharan African region. Albeit small in population, it has progressed remarkably well since the time of its Independance in 1966. It is a peaceful, democratic country where people of different races religions and creeds live in harmony. Genuine elections have been held at regular intervals since independence. Botswana has been a bastion of political stability in a region of turmoil. Peace, economic stability and compliance with laws of the country has made this country stand the test of time.
Botswana is the largest producer of rough diamonds in the world. Other than mining in minerals like diamond, copper, nickel and coal, other thriving industries are tourism, textiles and beef.
There are no foreign exchange controls or restrictions on currency convertibility. Foreign reserves are healthy.
Tax rates are the lowest in southern african region : 15% for manufacturing businesses and 22% for trading and service sector.
Easy access to entire South African market. Part of SADC and SACU associations of African nations. Enjoys special privilages for export to US and Europe markets.
Labour cost is relatively cheaper and free from trade unionism.
The government gives high importance to Good education, health and infrastructure development.
The government gives high importance to Good education, health and infrastructure development.
Emphasise is given to fundamental rights and freedom of expression.